Ponzi scheme, Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox (MMM) is at again, announcing it will freeze some Mavros of its participants.
It said it has also introduced new measures to ‘serve them better’. The information was forwarded on Wednesday to members of the ponzi scheme.
MMM said it planned to launch the new rules which will “stop the growth of confirmed Mavros acquired before the 1st of January 2017’’.
It will also freeze the bonuses received before the 1st of January 2017 so that limited withdrawal of Mavro-2016 will include only contributions, not bonuses.
The message is posted on the Personal Office (PO), the site’s environment displayed for every member to participate in its activities.
Mavros are virtual money-equivalent access to cashing returns on funds invested in the scheme.
“You constantly reproach us stating we don’t listen to your opinions however we really do. We try to carry out the most reasonable and efficient suggestions immediately,’’ the statement said.
Particularly, in accordance with your suggestions, we will soon take the following measures:
We will stop the growth of confirmed Mavros acquired before the 1st of January 2017.
We will freeze the bonuses received before the 1st of January 2017 (so that limited withdrawal of Mavro-2016 will include only contributions, not bonuses).
We will introduce a new rule according to which the withdrawal amount cannot exceed triple amount of the provided help (so, GH cannot exceed PH more than in 3 times).”
The more than three million Nigerians, who invested in the scheme with the hope of getting 30 per cent in return were thrown into distress since MMM folded up.
Mr. Chuddy Ugorji, the initiator of the Nigerian faction of MMM has fled the country with his wife, Amaka.
Unconfirmed report says the MMM Number one Guider has absconded and relocated to Philippines.
He fled the country when many investors were waiting anxiously to be paid back their money with the agreed interest.
Chuddy’s relocation came barely 24 hours after he released condition for the payment of some three million Nigerian investors.
He had given the impression that the Ponzi scheme has started paying outstanding mavro (money) to Mavrodians, the participants of the scheme. But the payment is just symbolic.